Now We Are Four!

KW joined us on November 10, 2010. Thanks for following our journey as a family!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Two Months (or Nine weeks) Old

Again - - apologies for the two week delay in posting. It just gets busy sometimes. Lee is two months old (yesterday) and nine weeks old (tomorrow). Below are some pictures from the last week or so.

Also, for more cute pictures, visit my sister's blog (in the "favorite" links on the left side of the page). Lee got to visit cousin Brant, although they did not enjoy their photo session!

HEY!!! What's going on here??

I love my Rain forest playmat . . . . wait - - what's a rain forest??
Aunt Chloe came for a visit this week - YEAH!! (you can see the excitement in my cheeks!!)

Again - - cheek excitement!!

OK - visible excitement on the ride to church.

Church wore me (and my cheeks) out!!


Anonymous said...

THANK YOU for some new pics...Mimi and Pawpaw miss you ALL but especially Lee. What big cheeks we have :)))))))))) Storing food I case he misses a feeding ? go figure.
Have a wonderful time on your anniversary this week. Again, sorry I could not be there to help you. But Aunt Claudia is just as good and has the same voice just different colored hair! Love you...MIMI

Brian, Beth, Garrett, Lucy, Brooks and Deacon White said...

OMG! what a stinkin' hoot! i want to kiss those little cheeks! fat baby cheeks are the best!!! looks like he's just growing away...they don't stay little long! hope to talk to you soon, a!