Now We Are Four!

KW joined us on November 10, 2010. Thanks for following our journey as a family!

Thursday, July 4, 2013

History, Inspiration, and Goals

I have not forgotten about Sewing Accountability 2013, though my sister is officially out of the game. I am, however, now two months behind. But I finished my March task on time. It was to reflect on my sewing history, inspiration, and goals, and to - theoretically - get myself really excited about starting with my first projects. Here is what I put down on paper:

What's been keeping me from sewing has been that I do not have anywhere to set up permanently, or even semi-permanently. As a result, I never really get past the first-sewing-day stage; I always have too be refreshed on how to do everything before I can get started again. This is not going to change anytime soon, so I am going to have to figure it out. I don't really want to paint my dining room, finally borrow a table from my in-laws, then spread out a bunch of sewing gear on it, but this may be what happens.

It appears that KW is set on clothes for the near future, but I would really like to be able to make clothes for the both of us. I dread having to go back and undo mistakes over and over, though. Gotta get over that, at least until I get good.

The first three things I would like to make:
  1. A girl's dressy dress (duh)
  2. Set of 12 napkins and matching dishtowels (do people even make that?)
  3. Full apron (Why do they even make the skirt kind? It does not protect.)

Next up is getting my supplies in order.

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